Tons of new pictures and posts coming soon!

I have a bunch of pictures to put up stretching from Father’s Day to yesterday. I also have a bunch of posts to make. We’ve been busy, went to a wedding on the 5th and then down to Atlanta for the week. We had a lot of fun at both. I’ve declared Desmond unpotty trained, he stopped showing any interest in going, so he is back in diapers for the moment. It is too bad since he was basically fully trained before he decided he was no longer interested.

Eloise is 4 months old and can sit, sort of for about a minute or two, it is more of a tripod sit, with her hands supporting her, then a full sit, but it is still cute. Desmond is talking a ton, he just decided he was ready to talk while we were in Atlanta so he started too. He still doesn’t always talk, but he says a lot more now then he was 2 weeks ago. Best line from him recently was at the lake house my Mom was making him eggs with cheese, and he looked at the eggs and said, “Not enough cheese!”.

Anyways here are a couple of teaser pictures, I have a ton to post, I’ll try to get some up this evening/tomorrow.

One Response to “Tons of new pictures and posts coming soon!”

  1. Mom Says:

    We had a great time too! Even if I did work a lot. Those babies are two of the most beautiful children!! and I’m not at all prejudice.

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