The Trampoline

So Desmond’s big birthday present this year was a trampoline. It is an indoor trampoline and we have it set up in the living room for him and Eloise. He absolutely adores the trampoline. It is wonderful, I am not sure why we didn’t think of it before for him. He can bounce out a ton of energy. If he is bouncing elsewhere we can redirect him to the trampoline. He is also really good with the rule of only one person on the trampoline at a time, so if Eloise gets on he stops jumping and gets off. It was seriously our best buy for him and it will last for a long time since we got an adult trampoline that even Dan can use.

Anyways here are some pictures of him and Eloise on it right after we put it together for him birthday. In the first few you can see the hold bar on it. You can also see why we took of the bar almost immediately.

2 Responses to “The Trampoline”

  1. Kelly Says:

    Bella loves swinging on the bar, too. They are too cute!

  2. nonnie Says:

    this was a great idea! i’m sure it gets used frequently and wears des out. i love the pictures of eloise – she’s going to be jumping soon!

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