Busy Busy Busy

We’ve been busy over here. 2 weekends ago Eloise and I went down to Georgia for my sister Nancy’s Law School graduation. Congrats again Nancy. We both had fun and it was nice spending time with just Eloise. She is a little character and a lot different from her brother, but since he is bigger and louder she tends to get a bit overlooked at home, poor girl. She is a shoe diva though and got Nonnie to buy her 3 new pair of shoes, including some sparkly pink ones.

Desmond also started swimming lessons a few weeks ago. It was kind of a shock to us, we had signed him up, but then never heard anything about them so we assumed the form was lost. He is having a blast and is getting more comfortable floating on his back. He loves swimming on his tummy and putting his face in and out of the water as he goes forward. He is doing great in the class, his first one without a parent right there with him. I have no pictures of him swimming because our pool doesn’t allow pictures. I’ll have some swimming pictures soon enough though since we are going down to Georgia in under 2 weeks now and will swim a bunch when there I am sure.

Desmond is also taking soccer lessons. So far he’s had 2, well 3, since they didn’t cancel yesterdays even with the rain. He has also had 2 canceled classes because of the rain. He likes it, but the class is a bit too long for him. Hopefully it won’t be raining next week so we can go and he can run around and kick the ball. I do have some pictures from his first class which I will post in a bit.

The summer is looking to be even busier then the spring is. Desmond has camp 4 weeks this summer to prepare him for preschool in the fall. My brother is getting married in Georgia in August, so we’ll be heading down for that obviously. Desmond is going to be the ring bearer and he will be very cute I am sure. We’re also heading to Georgia for a week and a half or so, in two Saturdays for Desmond and two Sundays for me and Eloise. We may go back to Georgia once more before the wedding as well, depends on how my parents and our schedules line up.

I have a bunch of pictures to still get up, plus more from recently to post. So I’ll try to post some in a few minutes and edit the new ones soon.

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