Eloise’s 15 month stats

better knows as yes, she is still a peanut!

Eloise had her 15 month appointment on Friday. She is still tiny. She dropped from 8th percentile in weight to under 5th percentile in weight, looking at the chart though, she is totally off the edge of the chart. The doctor seemed a bit concerned because she dropped percentiles again, neither Dan or I are concerned. She actually gained more between 12 and 15 months then Desmond did. Desmond gained 3 ounces in that time period she gained 4 ounces. She is quite a peanut though.

She is 18 pounds 4 ounces, so she finally hit 18 pounds. I am hoping she’ll be 19 pounds by her 18 month appointment, maybe a bit higher even, but I will be quite happy with her at 19 pounds by then. Her height stayed right at the 25th percentile, she is 29 3/4 inches tall. She is still in the 50th percentile for her head. She is just a tiny little peanut. She did great at the appointment though she wasn’t pleased with her shot. She had a fun weekend at Sesame Place though.

She gained 4.5 ounces in the past three months which is not unexpected with her hitting her stride in walking and running and just being on the go, and she gained 1 3/4 inches.

At birth 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 3/4th inches
At 1 month 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20 3/4 inches
At 2 months 10 pounds 4 ounces and 22 1/2 inches
At 4 months 12 pounds 14.5 ounces and 24 inches
At 6 months 15 pounds 4 ounces and 25 1/2 inches
At 9 months 16 pounds 12 ounces and 26 3/4 inches
At 12 months 17 pound 15.5 ounces and 28 inches
At 15 months 18 pounds 4 ounces and 29 3/4 inches

I am not going to put a comparison up to Desmond’s stats at the same age anymore. It is sufficient to say she weights less then he did at 6 months and is almost as tall as he was at 12 months.

One Response to “Eloise’s 15 month stats”

  1. Mom Says:

    she’s a peanut but she’s our peanut – and cute too boot! Now if she’d start to grow hair that would be nice!!

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