Desmond going to camp!

So Desmond started camp this week. He actually did a week long camp down at my parents over Memorial Day as well. This week really seemed like he started though, since this is the camp through his preschool that he starts in September. It is really weird to think I have a child old enough to go to preschool! The first day he went to camp was Tuesday, he went later this week again on Thursday as well. Both days when I picked him up I asked him what he did and his response was “I play playground, I push kids!” We have no clue what he means when he says he pushed kids, since the teachers didn’t mention anything about it and they would have. He is quite adamant that he “pushed kids”. We are wondering if maybe there are push toys there that he pushed. It is a bit disconcerting though to have your three year old tell you, “I had fun, I played playground, I pushed kids!” though.

He seems to be having fun, though he fought me both mornings about leaving. He had no problems once he got there and I left though. He is growing up so fast!

2 Responses to “Desmond going to camp!”

  1. mrs.daley Says:

    Look how handsome he is with his backpack!

  2. nonnie Says:

    he’s so cute! need more pictures – it feels like days since I’ve seen my grandbabies!!

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