I posted! I posted!

I know I haven’t posted since early August, but I just haven’t really had the time to post, to much going on watching the small ones and going out of town for my brother and sister in laws wedding and such. I will try to post a bit more now that we are slightly less busy, other then Desmond having something to do every day but Fridays and Sundays! Eloise’s schedule at least is a bit quieter with her having Gymnastics on Wednesday and then going to my in-laws on Friday.

Anyways I posted a couple of recent photos, I am probably going to go ahead and skip posting a lot of the summer pictures I have left to post, I will try to post some of the pictures I have from my brother’s wedding here, though they are already up on facebook for those that are my friend on facebook. Desmond made an adorable ring bearer!

Anyways we have enjoyed our busy summer, but it is nice moving into fall and ending up with slightly less busy fall.

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