Apple Picking

So on Saturday, rather then being a good Jew and going to temple to celebrate Yom Kipper, I should really find a temple, maybe by next year, we went apple picking. 35 pounds of apples and hour or so later we were done apple picking. Now of course we need to figure out what we are doing with 35 pounds of apples, we’ve been eating them, which works, but it is a lot of apples. I do have a recipe for freezable apple pie filling that we might try this weekend.

Anyways both Desmond and Eloise had fun apple picking, Eloise mainly just ate an apple and wandered around, Desmond was big on helping us pick the apples, he was actually fairly helpful since he could get in areas that larger people couldn’t so her got some nice apples. Here are the two of them having fun apple picking.

Desmond attempting to help carry the first bag of apples

One Response to “Apple Picking”

  1. Kristen Says:

    I love these pictures!

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