Website and such

I finally got around to updating my actual website. It hadn’t been updated in years so I figured it was time. Anyways for anyone interested it is just a collection of Desmond pictures and you can find it here.

In other news, we had Gymboree today, it was fun. There were 5 new babies there, and some of them were really babies, like 5 and 7 weeks old. You forget really fast how small newborns really are. They were so cute. The three of us that are normally in the class all decided to move up to level 2. It seemed like it was time, the stuff we did today was definitely more directed towards slightly smaller babies then any of us had. So we’re all going to the Thursday class. It should be fun, at a guess there isn’t a huge difference between level 1 and level 2 Gymboree, but we’ll see. I also signed up for Baby Signs which is starting in October, he’ll have just turned 6 months when the class starts so it should be perfect timing to start that.

Other then that not much else going on here, I’m thinking of restarting learning Latin again.

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