Labor Day and such

We had a generally quiet labor day. Saturday we ran some errands, picked up a couple of items we needed. Sunday we went to my in-laws for a cookout, it was nice Desmond got to play with his grandparents a lot. K got to run around and get lots of food. So everyone was happy. Monday I played with Desmond a bunch. Dan painted the doors, actually he did that Saturday and Sunday as well. We now have brown doors and a yellow trim, it looks okay, the yellow is a little bright, but it works (we have to use colors approved by our home owners association, thank you planned community or something). Sunday we also moved a bunch of stuff into the attic including Desmond’s swing and bouncy chair, he is growing so fast.

We’re pretty sure he had a growth spurt Saturday night as well, since he was definitely taller on Sunday.

Other then that not much happened it was pretty quiet. Nice and semi-relaxing. The rest of the month is going to be busy, next weekend we’re in Richmond for my cousin’s wedding, my Mom is up the following weekend and then we go to Disney for the last two weekends of the month. So it was nice to have a semi-relaxing weekend.

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