At the playground

So yesterday after dropping Desmond off at preschool we headed to a local playground. I had two different playgroups that just randomly chose the same playground to meet at. We got there about 30 minutes early, since it didn’t make sense to head home just to turn around and come back.

Eloise had fun watching the guy cut the grass and swinging when we got there. There was a little boy, who showed up a bit after us with his Grandmother. He and Eloise had fun swinging next to each other. As he was leaving some of the people from my first playgroup arrived. Shortly followed by people from my second playgroup. Eloise played decently, she didn’t play with the other kids a lot, but she did play with them some, she went on the spinning circle merry-go-round thing, with some of the other kids, and she also played in the sandbox and actually talked to some of the other kids. She had a good time at the playground.

We stayed for 3 hours, and had lunch there, it was a little hot, but it was a fun morning. Sully stayed on my back most of the time, getting down to nurse a few times, and for lunch, when he finally sat for longer then 10 seconds. He stayed up by himself for close to 3 minutes. Of course I didn’t have the camera out at the time because we were eating.

Here are some pictures of Eloise playing at the playground.

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