Sully Updates

Sully is now 5 1/2 months old and has been doing a bunch of things recently. He now gets on his hands and knees and pushes forward. He isn’t hand and knee crawling yet but he is getting close. He is army crawling, and he is fairly fast too. He goes all over the room when he is put down now, guess it is time for baby gates.

He now has 4 teeth! Two on top and two on bottom, he is still drooling a bunch, so he may have more show up soon. He is also babbling a bunch, he likes to talk to his brother and sister. He also likes to blow raspberries at them.

He can sit now for about 3 minutes by himself. He also has almost conquered going from a crawling position into a sitting position! He is almost there. He has also started looking at low hanging things and grabbing them in preparation of pulling himself up, he isn’t quite there yet, but getting close again.

Here he is sitting yesterday.

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