Sully’s 6 month stats

Sully had his 6 month appointment today it went great. He is doing great, we think the nurse measured him wrong so he is actually longer then his official stats, probably more like 27 inches, but it wasn’t a big enough issue to worry about. He is in the 80th percentile for weight and 50th for height this appointment. He also is in the 97th for head, he has a big head I guess. He is above target developmentally and the doctor has no worries about him. He is right between Eloise (15 pounds 4 ounces) and Desmond (19 pounds 13 ounces) weight at 6 months and he is the same height as Desmond (27 inches) was.

Here are his stats:
At birth he was 9 pounds 4 ounces and 22 inches
At one month he was 11 pounds 3 ounces and 23 inches
At 2 months he was 13 pounds and 24 inches
At 4 months he was 15 pounds 2 ounces
At 5 months he was 16 pounds 3 ounces and 26 1/2 inches
At 6 months he was 17 pounds 8.5 ounces and 26 1/2 inches

In other exciting news Eloise is now up to 22 pounds and 8 ounces! She has gained almost 2 pounds since March and weighs almost the same as Desmond did at 9 months *grin*. She might actually make it to 24 pounds by 3.

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