Temper Tantrum, hmm I guess he is paying attention

So yesterday we were running errands, we brought along the swim bag with us so we could go swimming afterward if timing worked out, they do adult swim every even hour on the hour for 15 minutes, so we don’t like getting to the fitness club 10 minutes before that because keeping Desmond entertained with water around that he can’t get into for 15 minutes isn’t fun.

So we did our shopping and looked at the time and decided on no pool, unfortunately boy wonder had heard us discussing it, so when we stopped he clapped his hands and was overjoyed, he was less overjoyed when he noted we were not at the pool, instead we were at home. In fact he was so displeased he decided to throw a lovely tantrum, since this was NOT a happy thing!

We did take him to the pool after dinner instead which made him quite happy. We also took him today after we ran our errands, which is a good thing since we discussed it in the car again with him right there.

FYI the child loves the water and swimming, we just need to work on floating so he can do it solo. Oh and closing his mouth in the water.

2 Responses to “Temper Tantrum, hmm I guess he is paying attention”

  1. Mom Says:

    Dan and you are going to become excellent spellers since that’s the only way to have a conversation without Des catching on!

  2. tabrizia Says:

    Erm that would work except he can already spell some words. Which I really was not expecting for awhile yet, and trust me swim and pool are some of the ones he can spell.

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