Archive for the ‘Toddler Activities’ Category

Some more painting pictures

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Here is Desmond doing one of his favorite activities again, he is painting. These pictures are from two different days, he really enjoys painting a lot, he loves squirting the paint into the container and using the paint brushes.



Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Another art project I’ve been doing with Desmond is watercolors. Since he liked painting so much I decided it was worth a shot. He loves playing with the watercolor pads, and occasionally painting on the paper, he is more into playing with the pads though. He really does enjoy it and I figure if it keeps him entertained and isn’t too messy it works for me. Here he is using watercolors.


Stringing beads

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

My parents came up to visit about 2 weeks ago, and my Mom brought Desmond up some stringing beads. He really likes them. He had a little trouble at first getting them on the string, but he is an expert now and likes putting the beads on the string. So here he is stringing some beads.


Chocolate Milk in a container

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

The other day Desmond found a container in the dining room, I had taken it out so he could pour paints in it to paint, and decided to pour his chocolate milk into it instead and drink from it. I figured it was entertaining him and keeping him quiet and he wasn’t making a big mess, so I let him do it. He liked drinking his milk from the container.


Cars in the beans

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

One of the things that we have done with our bean box is played with Desmond’s cars in it. He has enjoyed this, he likes running the cars through the beans. It keeps him entertained for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, which is always a good thing.


Painting with a paintbrush or 8

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

So Desmond loves to paint, he isn’t as thrilled about getting paint on his hands though. So I decided to let him try painting with paintbrushes instead. He loved this, he did use his hands occasionally, but he really enjoyed the fact that he could paint without getting his hands messy. He had a ton of fun with this activity. I gave him a bunch of different sized paint brushes to use and a couple of sponge brushes he really liked seeing the different things he could do with the different brushes.


Making Faces

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Another activity Desmond and I did last week was making faces. I found foam circles and we added eyes, bells and pompoms to make faces. My face looked far more face like then his, but then again I am 31 and he is 2, so if he wants his face to have 6 eyes and pompoms all over rather then in a mouth shape, that is great! Here he is making his face.


Making Tube Creatures

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

One of the activities I did with Desmond was making creatures out of toilet paper tubes. We started off by coloring the tubes, we then glued pompoms on them. I then gave them pipe cleaner arms, I did this step since it involved cutting, which Desmond can’t do yet and knotting the pipe cleaner. We then glued eyes onto the creatures. Desmond really enjoyed this craft, he also enjoyed destroying the creatures as well after we were done. We will probably do this one again when I have some more toilet paper tubes.



Friday, September 4th, 2009

I got this idea for Desmond from Shannon’s Tot School Blog. Unfortunately it did not work as well for us as it did for her. Desmond liked playing with the markers and putting stickers inside the stencil areas, but he wasn’t interested in tracing or coloring in the stencils. Not a big deal, we’ll try it again in a month or two and see what he thinks then.


More Bean Pictures

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Here are a few pictures from last week of Desmond playing with the beans again. He hasn’t wanted to play with them at all this week, which is kind of odd considering how much fun he had last week with them.