Archive for June, 2010

Eloise’s 15 month stats

Monday, June 28th, 2010

better knows as yes, she is still a peanut!

Eloise had her 15 month appointment on Friday. She is still tiny. She dropped from 8th percentile in weight to under 5th percentile in weight, looking at the chart though, she is totally off the edge of the chart. The doctor seemed a bit concerned because she dropped percentiles again, neither Dan or I are concerned. She actually gained more between 12 and 15 months then Desmond did. Desmond gained 3 ounces in that time period she gained 4 ounces. She is quite a peanut though.

She is 18 pounds 4 ounces, so she finally hit 18 pounds. I am hoping she’ll be 19 pounds by her 18 month appointment, maybe a bit higher even, but I will be quite happy with her at 19 pounds by then. Her height stayed right at the 25th percentile, she is 29 3/4 inches tall. She is still in the 50th percentile for her head. She is just a tiny little peanut. She did great at the appointment though she wasn’t pleased with her shot. She had a fun weekend at Sesame Place though.

She gained 4.5 ounces in the past three months which is not unexpected with her hitting her stride in walking and running and just being on the go, and she gained 1 3/4 inches.

At birth 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 3/4th inches
At 1 month 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20 3/4 inches
At 2 months 10 pounds 4 ounces and 22 1/2 inches
At 4 months 12 pounds 14.5 ounces and 24 inches
At 6 months 15 pounds 4 ounces and 25 1/2 inches
At 9 months 16 pounds 12 ounces and 26 3/4 inches
At 12 months 17 pound 15.5 ounces and 28 inches
At 15 months 18 pounds 4 ounces and 29 3/4 inches

I am not going to put a comparison up to Desmond’s stats at the same age anymore. It is sufficient to say she weights less then he did at 6 months and is almost as tall as he was at 12 months.

Desmond roller coaster video

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Here is the video Dan took when we were at Sesame Place. Desmond and I are in the 4th car back, the first visible people riding the roller coaster. It is not a great video but I think you catch a glimpse or two of Desmond in there.

Eloise chilling

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Here is Eloise showing off her sunglasses.

Down the water slide

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Last year we took Desmond on one of the water slides at my parents pool. He was not a fan. A lot has changed in a year. This year he couldn’t get enough of the water slides. He started off going down with either me or my Dad and quickly graduated to going down all by himself, with someone at the bottom to catch him. He loved it, he would try to get us to take him again and again and again. We did limit him somewhat. We won’t let him go down more then 5 or 6 times in a row, since that was enough for the adults. When he is a bit bigger so he can go up the stairs all by himself, I know where he is going to spend his whole pool time when we are visiting!

Eloise also went down the water slide with my Dad. She enjoyed it, but once or twice was more then enough for her.

Playing at and in the splash pad

Monday, June 21st, 2010

So one of the pools at my parent’s club has a splash pad, rather then a wadding pool. Both Desmond and Eloise enjoyed playing in it when we went to the pool. Here they are having fun.


Swimming at the lake house

Monday, June 21st, 2010

So we have a pool we go to year round up in Maryland. There is an outdoor pool from Memorial Day to Labor Day and an indoor pool the rest of the year. We love our pool and it is a great place, both the indoor and outdoor pools are zero entry and both kids love playing in the water. That being said, they don’t allow you to take pictures at our pool. Which generally sucks, since well I like taking pictures, lots of them. So the only time I get swimming pictures is in the summer, when we are down in Georgia at my parents lake house, since the various pools at their club don’t care if you take pictures.

Eloise, Desmond and I were at my parent’s lake house for 10ish days at the beginning of this month. We went to the pool a lot and I got a bunch of pictures of the kids in the pool. I plan to get some more when we go back. For now though here are pictures of the two small ones, my Mom, my Dad and me in the swimming pool.

Desmond jumping into the water.


splash Nonnie!:

Eloise and Nonnie:

Desmond swimming with his Grandfather (pom)

Desmond swimming to the bottom of the pool to get his Woody dive stick.

Desmond swimming to the side with Mommy’s supervision:

Desmond practicing his swimming with Mommy

Desmond taking a ride on Mommy’s back

Words at 15 months

Friday, June 18th, 2010

So Eloise talks a lot. It is kind of weird actually since while Desmond had a lot of words at 15 months he didn’t really use them. In fact he didn’t really start talking a lot till right before he turned 3. Eloise on the other hand loves to talk. She normally just uses one or two word phrases, but she does occasionally use 3 to 5 word sentences as well. I figured since I have a blog post way back in history of what words Desmond knew and used somewhere around this age, I would do one for Eloise as well. So here is a partial word list for Eloise, she knows a bunch more then these, but these are the words I know she says frequently off the top of my head.

K (for K-line)
Des (Desmond)
Mama (me)
Dada (Dan)
Grandpa (My Dad)
Nonnie (My Mom)
pop (lollipop)
tuptake (cupcake)
bo ber (blueberries)
bark (and if you ask her what sound a dog makes she will say bark bark)
shoe (she loves shoes)
gummie bears
ice cream cone

Plus a bunch more I can’t remember off the top of my head. You know looking at the list, it looks like my kids eat a lot more junk food then they really do. She apparently likes sugar though! She likes fruits and veggies too, just doesn’t name them yet, I think I blame her brother for this since he says the names of various sweets far more then he says the name of fruits and veggies.

And a few I forgot when first writing this post:
bop (for boppy)
tah dah
all done
thank you
french fries
bye bye

3 Years of Strawberries

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Here is another quick comparison post.

Desmond May 2008 picking strawberries for the first time:

Desmond May 2009 picking strawberries for the second time:

Desmond May 2010 picking strawberries for the third time:

Look at how big he looks compared to last year, let alone 2 years ago!