Archive for May, 2008

Climbing Climbing Climbing

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

Desmond loves to climb so sometimes we find him in the most interesting places, like on top of the dining room table. Or in this case on top of the table next to the chair, sitting by Dan’s monitor.

C is for Chocolate

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

So I will give Desmond some of my desert sometimes, and he really loves chocolate. Especially brownies. He feels that eating is a full body experience and these pictures show of his joy of eating his piece of brownie.

Portrait of the artist as a toddler

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

Desmond likes to draw, he loves using his crayons to make pictures. We also tried finger paints and paint brushes, which he isn’t as sure about. Anyways here are a bunch of pictures of him painting and drawing and some pictures of his works. Painting is a full body experience and involves both touch and tasting the paints. Which is why we don’t paint that often yet. For those wondering I am pretty sure he is a lefty, he tends to do most things with his left hand.

Bath Time!

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

So Desmond loves the water, however he has found that he can climb out of the bath tub and that is even more fun then playing in the water. Here are a few pictures of the little escape artist as he escapes from taking a bath.

Video walking to the park

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Here is Desmond (and K-line) walking to the park with my in-laws.

Video on swing

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Desmond went to the park on Sunday with my in-laws here is a video of him on the swing while there.


Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

I have a bunch of pictures of the munchkin to post, but I haven’t taken them off the camera card yet, there are some from the zoo, some from the milk festival and some of him eating a brownie. I will try to get them up tomorrow or Monday depending on how I feel with the hives and all.

New Bed for Desmond

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

So we’re thinking about making Desmond up his own big boy room, with his own big boy bed. Because honestly as much as I love him sleeping with us, we really want to get him to bed around 9 and to be able to have him sleep alone till we come to bed around midnight, and he just isn’t safe in our bed doing so (plus he wakes if I get up, but that’s another story). So we’re thinking about making K-line’s room into Desmond’s big boy room.

So we’ve been looking at furniture for it. I think we found a bunk bed we like for it, we have looked at a bunch of places, the one we like is a pretty mapleish color and has a full bed on bottom (which is something we want) and a twin for the top bunk. You can get storage drawers for the space between the bed and the floor and the dresser is nice as well. We still need to check our IKEA, but I think we’ve mostly made up our mind on getting the one we’ve already seen. Hopefully he will be able to sleep in it all alone for a few hours every night so we can get some time without Desmond, it would be kind of nice to have a few hours for just me and Dan.

We figure a bed will work better then a crib, because he hates sleeping in his crib and won’t do it, and with his own grown up bed, I can nurse him down in it and get up rather then having to try to move him and wake him up.


Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

So I bet you think this post is going to be about Desmond. Nope it is all about me. This morning I woke up with hives. It was actually kind of fun to watch them break out all over my arms and legs. When I woke up I had one or two spots, within 20 minutes my arms and legs were covered.

I have had hives before, I was 15 at the time and missed 2+ weeks of school. They never did figure out what caused them, they finally decided I was allergic to a virus. No clue what is causing them this time either. Anyways we went out and bought Benadryl since while I might have every medicine under the sun needed for a one year old, we don’t always have the adult version of said medicine. After two pills and an hour the hives were basically gone. So now I am just waiting to see if they are going to come back since the medicine has just about worn off. My legs and arms are starting to itch again, so I am guessing yes.

I figured if they are still here on Monday I’ll go to the doctor, since there really isn’t much they can do about hives anyways other then run blood tests.

Anyways that was my excitement for the day.