Archive for August, 2008


Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Here are a couple of pictures of Desmond swimming with his Nonnie (my Mother). He loves the pool and swimming.

With Great Grandpa

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

While we were there we saw my Grandfather twice, I finally got a couple of newer pictures of Desmond with him. The last pictures I have of Desmond with him are from last Thanksgiving, so it was time. Anyways here is Desmond, my Dad and my Grandfather.


Thursday, August 21st, 2008

So we finally went to the Atlanta Aquarium and Desmond got to see the “dish” he loved them. Here are a couple of pictures of him watching the “dish”.

Back from Atlanta

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

We’re back from Atlanta, have been since Monday actually. I got a bunch of pictures uploaded yesterday, but didn’t have time to post till today. We had a lot of fun. Desmond loved playing with his Grandpa and Nonnie. We went out to dinner with a bunch of relatives for my aunt and uncle’s 30th wedding anniversary the first night we arrived, which was nice, though late, Desmond fell asleep on the way back to the lake house and didn’t wake till morning. He did enjoy his chocolate shake though.

We had fun at the Children’s museum with a couple of people from a message board I frequent who also had babies the same time as I had Desmond. All my pictures from that came out really dark though, so I’m not putting any up. He loved the fishies at the Aquarium and it was nice spending time with my middle sister, who I don’t spend much time with. He also loved swimming a lot while we were at the lake house and going out on the boat. He wasn’t as thrilled with Grandpa for taking him down the water slide twice though. Maybe next year. All in all we had a lot of fun, though by the end Desmond was definitely missing his Daddy.

Desmond getting ready to go on a walk

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

So a couple of weeks ago, before we left for Atlanta, Desmond brought me his sneakers and his doggie to put on him. Being a good Mommy I did so. Here is Desmond all dressed up in what he thinks is needed for going on a walk.

Happy 7th Anniversary

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

Today is our 7th anniversary. At this time 7 years ago the ceremony was over and we were partying. It was actually our second wedding, but it is the official one, the Hindi wedding wasn’t official, but was on the 3rd. We’ll be celebrating 12 years together come October, wow that seems like a long time.

Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding (I don’t have many online anymore, the server I had scanned them on died a couple of years ago).

From the Jewish Wedding on the 5th

From the Hindi Wedding on the 3rd