Archive for October, 2008


Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

So Desmond is napping in his bed right now. Since that is normally when I have time to blog. The past two days he’s fallen asleep for his nap on my lap, which means he gets a shorter nap then he really needs, but I can only hold him on my lap for so long. Today he fell asleep in his bed and has been down for 2 hours already, I’m really hoping he makes it to 3 hours, but 2 hours is great too, especially when you consider his nap yesterday and Monday was for all of 50 minutes to an hour. Here are a couple of pictures of him sound asleep in his bed, and yes he wears his doggie backpack everywhere except we don’t let him go to bed at night with it or eat lunch and dinner with it on.



sleeping toddler

sleeping toddler

Swinging Swinging Swinging on the Big Kid’s Swings

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

So Desmond loves to swing. He’s been going on the baby swings for awhile, but recently Dan realized that he can use the big kid swings as well. When we went to the park he took me to the big kid swings so I put him on them and he had a bunch of fun. I was really impressed that he was able to swing on them without falling off. He was going pretty high on them too once I realized how well his balance on them was.

We spent an hour at the playground 15 minutes was on the baby swings, 10 minutes was him running around and going down the slide and playing on the play structure, the other 35 minutes or so was him swinging on the big kid’s swings, and he wasn’t happy to go when I told him time was up, he could have swung for quite awhile longer.

On the big kids swing!

On the big kid's swing!

I love to swing on the big kids swings

I love to swing on the big kid's swings

Up I go!

Up I go!

Swinging rocks!

Swinging rocks!

Lets Swing

Let's Swing

At the playground

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

So this morning Desmond took me to the door and handed me his shoes. I was going to take him to Gymboree, but he wanted to go out then, not in 30 minutes. So I got him dressed, he needed a shirt and pants to go with his shoes and we walked over to the playground. He had a ton of fun there and I remembered to take the small camera so I took some pictures. He is so big now at 18 months (well 18 months in 4 days so it counts), and really coordinated, it still amazes me some times how little boy he seems now.

Down the Slide I go!

Down the Slide I go!

Vroom Vroom Vroom!

Vroom Vroom Vroom!

Hmm I think Ill play with a leaf

Hmm I think I'll play with a leaf

I love to swing!

I love to swing!

Swinging is fun!

Swinging is fun!