Archive for February, 2009

On the Merry-Go-Round

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

So we went to the mall on Saturday to get Desmond’s hair cut. The first thing we saw when entering was the Merry-Go-Round, but we wanted to have lunch and get his hair cut first (pictures and such from that coming soon). So after lunch and his hair cut and a bit of crying because we weren’t letting him on the merry-go-round we let him go on it twice before heading home, where he fell asleep in the car and napped for 2 hours. Here are a few pictures of Desmond on the Merry-Go-Round with his new haircut.

And yes he has a lollipop in his mouth, he got one for being so good about his hair cut and there was no way he was not holding it/eating it.







Speaking of IKEA

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

We bought Desmond a wisk while we were there, it made him happy and quiet, and you know with a toddler those are important things.

Anyways you know you have a toddler when phrases such as “Desmond does the wisk need to go into time out because it is hitting Daddy?” come out of your mouth.


Saturday, February 7th, 2009

Yesterday we ran some errands that we needed to do, mainly getting various stuff we needed for the house, such as a bunch of new locks for cabinets so maybe we can keep Desmond out of them, a 3 pack of bottles for when bean arrives in case we need to feed her pumped breast milk, etc. One of our stops was at IKEA. Desmond had a blast there, the entrance to the kids area has a little slide, he must have climbed up and slide down the slide 10+ times before he was done. He really liked playing on the slide. So here he is.




Thumb Sucking

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

So why has my son decided at 22 months that now is the time to start sucking his thumb? I mean it doesn’t bother me, it is just odd that he decided to start sucking it now.

RIP Poppop

Friday, February 6th, 2009

So my Grandfather died this morning from cancer. He was 84 I believe. He and my Grandmother had reached their 60th wedding anniversary yesterday February 5th. I’ll miss you Poppop. Here are a couple of pictures of Desmond with him.

Desmond at 2 Months old with Poppop

Desmond at 2 Months old with Poppop

In June 08 on our way home from the beach in North Carolina

In June 08 on our way home from the beach in North Carolina

With Poppop in December

With Poppop in December

Desmond looking up at Poppop in December

Desmond looking up at Poppop in December

At the Dentist

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

So Desmond had his first Dentist appointment today. It went well, his teeth look good and he wasn’t too squirmy. One of his 2 year old molars has broken through, so Dan and I figure the other 3 likely won’t be much longer now. We’ll go back in 6 months and he’ll get his first cleaning then.



Nap 4 hours and counting!

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

So Desmond went down for his nap around noon, it is now 4:15 and he is still sound asleep. I just went to check on him, just in case and he is fine just asleep. It is just kind of weird, I mean he normally naps between 90 minutes and 3 hours, he has never napped for 4+ hour before. I hope this doesn’t destroy his bedtime tonight.

*update* It ended up being a 4 and a half hour nap! Now to see how bedtime tonight goes.