Archive for April, 2009

I don’t understand the toddler’s thought process!

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

but that’s okay since he is entertaining himself by running around and throwing string cheese that is still wrapped, and chasing the dog.

A Kiss!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Desmond has actually been fairly good with Eloise and he likes to hug her and give her kisses. I finally caught him on camera giving her a kiss this evening.

More tummy time

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

So Desmond is at his Grandparent’s house today, so it is just me and Eloise and K-line at home. I let Eloise have some tummy time and took a few picture of her while she was there. So here they are.

It’s my cupcake, I can just eat the frosting if I want to, and I do!

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

So after going to the zoo we went to my in-laws for dinner to celebrate Desmond’s birthday. He had a good time and opened his present from them, played with the noise maker things and ate the frosting off two cupcakes, all and all he enjoyed himself.

Everyone opens their presents with their teeth right?

Cupcake Time!

This is how everyone eats their frosting right?

In party hats!

Oh this is fun!

At the Zoo

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

So for Desmond’s birthday we went to the National Zoo. He enjoys seeing the animal and it was a gorgeous day out so a great day to go. Apparently a bunch of people felt the same way so it was very crowded, but we still had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures from the trip.

First off on the metro train getting there.


Desmond exploring

Watching the tiger, he really liked the tiger.

Playing the the Prairie Dog Tunnel play area

It was a good and tiring day!

Happy 2nd Birthday Desmond!

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Happy 2nd birthday Desmond! It is hard to believe he is two already. We’re going to the Zoo today to celebrate, we’ll be having a party for him in 2 weeks.

Tummy Time

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

And now for some Eloise pictures. She slept in the Mei Tai at the playground, but while Desmond was down for his nap we let her do some tummy time. So here she is having tummy time.


Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Here are a couple of face shots of Desmond. You can see his new haircut.

At the Playground again (climbing)

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Here he is climbing up the climbing thingy. He enjoyed this a lot.

At the Playground again (on the swings)

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Here is short stuff on his favorite thing at the playground the swings.