Archive for April, 2009

At the Playground again (On the slide)

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

We went to the playground and I brought the camera so here are some more pictures of Desmond playing at the playground. First are some of him and Daddy on the slide.

On the Windowsill

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Desmond likes to climb, yeah I know I’ve mentioned this before. His new places to climb however are on the windowsill behind the sofa and on the dining room table. He has found the light switch at the back of the dining room table and likes to turn it on and off. Anyways here are a couple of pictures of him on the windowsill, before we made him get down. Because yes I always take pictures of him misbehaving before correcting the behavior *grin*, okay not always just 75% of the time.

Ut Oh!

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

So Desmond likes to say Ut Oh! He doesn’t seem to have the context down on it though, he’ll throw something down on the ground and then say Ut Oh! Or he’ll do something he knows he shouldn’t and then say Ut Oh! It is really cute to hear though.

Eloise’s Faces at 19 days

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Here are the rest of the pictures from today, which are closeups of her face.

Eloise at 19 days

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

So I took a bunch of pictures of Miss Eloise today since I realized I have not taken many/any pictures since the playground more or less. Anyways here some of the pictures of baby girl. I’ll post the rest in the next post.

At the Payground (take 6)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Here are a bunch of pictures of Desmond walking to the park with me and Eloise, and another bunch of random Eloise pictures.

At the Playground (take 5)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Here are a bunch of Eloise with various people, some are her with my Mom, some are her with my Mom and Mother in Law and some are her with my Dad and my Dad and Mom.

At the Playground (take 4)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Here are some of Desmond walking on the docks, and Eloise on my Mom’s shoulder.

At the Playground (take 3)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Here are Desmond, Eloise, My Mom and K-line on a bench by the lake, and a couple of pictures of Desmond walking K-line as well.

At the Playground (take 2)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Here are the rest of the car pictures and Desmond and his Dada (Grandfather on the slide)