Archive for June, 2009

Eloise at Gymboree Part 2

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Here are some more pictures of her, I took a lot, so I decided to split it into 3 posts.

Eloise at Gymboree Part 1

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Eloise came with us to Gymboree as well. We decided to take the carrier if we wanted to put her up or if she wanted up, but to let her hang out on the floor and explore if she was interested. She was. She looks so big now at almost 3 months. She is really alert and is working hard on catching up to her big brother, she wants to move, move, move!

Here are a bunch of pictures of her hanging out in one of the rings that they had there.

Desmond at Gymboree

Friday, June 12th, 2009

So we went to Gymboree open gym last night so Desmond could run out some of his energy. I had the camera in the car so I got Dan to go out and bring it in so I could get some pictures of him and Eloise. Though none of the two of them together. Anyways Desmond had a ton of fun running around, and making Daddy jump with him!

And yes we realize the irony of putting Desmond in a shirt that says “Life in the Slow Lane”, but his Nonnie got it for him, and it was the first one I grabbed so we went for it.

Atlanta Aquarium

Friday, June 12th, 2009

While we were in Atlanta we went to the Aquarium. We tend to go fairly frequently since Desmond likes the fish and they have some nice play tunnels for the younger crowd, they have a great climbing structure for the older set as well. I got an annual pass while we were there, as did my Dad, my Mom renewed hers as well. We figured I’ll be back at least 2 times before the pass expires which makes it worthwhile.

Desmond had a lot of fun while we were there, though it was very crowded. There was a safety festival outside before we went in and they had a blow up bouncing slide, which he went up and down a dozen times or so, so that helped wear him out as well. He really enjoyed the fish though and had fun exploring the aquarium again.

Eloise slept on my back the whole time which was great as well.

Brotherly love

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Here are a couple of pictures of Desmond and Eloise together when we were in Atlanta.

Oh look it is Eloise!

Maybe I’ll kiss her or hug her, or smoosh her!

Well that didn’t work quite right, but she is still here so maybe I’ll try again.

Hmm she doesn’t seem to want a kiss!

That’s okay I’ll kiss her anyways!

Okay I’m done now, bye bye! Hope you got pictures, because I am done.

Potty training is going fairly well

Friday, June 12th, 2009

We had one accident yesterday total. He won’t go poop in the potty at the moment so that was our accident, but he either went pee in the potty or his diaper, he is still in diapers for nap, night and going out. I was very impressed. Today we are at one accident as well, once again a poop one. I’m hoping to keep this up, he is doing quite well at it, hopefully he’ll be fully potty trained by the end of the month.

Potty Training and other updates

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

I still have some pictures to post. My Grandfather died the Tuesday after Memorial day and we went down to Atlanta for the funeral. I have a post to do for him, with pictures of him and Desmond and Eloise. I also have some pictures of Desmond and Eloise from Atlanta, that are cute, including one of Desmond kissing Eloise.

As for other updates, everything is going well at the moment in our lives, we have a couple of free weekends, which is nice. We’re going back to Atlanta on July 5th, and going down to the lake which should be great. We saw Laura and Miles and Noah and Clare on Saturday at Noah and Clare’s place. Laura and Miles had just gotten back from a cruise that left out of the port of Baltimore. It was nice to see everyone and Eloise went into a pool for the first time, though she didn’t get much more then her legs wet, because the water was freezing.

Desmond is potty training, he refuses to wear diapers anymore, so it is either potty train him or do a lot of consistent cleaning of accidents, so potty training it is. He is actually doing fairly well at it. Yesterday he only had one accident where he didn’t make it to the potty. Today he’s only had one accident so far, so hopefully we can keep it to the one.

Eloise is rolling over quite well and working on crawling. She can move if she wants to, it is just a lot of work for her. I was kind of hoping she would be slightly less mobile then Desmond, not more. Then again, everything is pretty baby proofed so if she wants to start army crawling it isn’t a huge deal either. She is growing well, and is in mainly 3-6 month sized clothing, which are still a bit big, but a lot of her 0-3 stuff is to small, so too big it is. It is really hard to believe she will be 3 months on Sunday, she is really active and awake a lot now. She still loves to be held and doesn’t like to be put down, but she will spend 10 to 15 minutes entertaining herself in her co-sleeper or on the floor (when it is safe to put her there), which is nice.

That is really all that is going on right now, it is pretty quiet here which is nice.

Eloise on Memorial Day

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

So Eloise was on my back for the strawberry picking, so we didn’t get any pictures of her, then again all you would have seen was a little foot sticking out. I did get a few picture of her later in the day at my in-law’s house though. So here they are.

Memorial Day Strawberry picking

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

So the pick your own farm we visit, opened on Memorial day so we went strawberry picking. Desmond loves strawberry picking, we went a couple of times last year. This was our first visit this year, since they had just opened. So here are a bunch of pictures of Desmond picking and eating strawberries. We did learn from last year at least and didn’t put him in a white shirt this time!