Archive for August, 2009

5 Months Old

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Today you are 5 months old. Just 5 months ago you were about to make your appearance into the world.

From the start you loved being held and having someone holding you. You won’t sleep alone, or hang out on the floor or in your co-sleeper alone without crying for the first 5 weeks or so. So you were rarely put down. Though occasionally you were okay for a few minutes.

You got to meet your Great Grandfather and he got to hold you.

You grew some, and Mommy stopped having milk products and you became much happier.

ANd your big brother decided, maybe she isn’t too horrible…

And you kept growing and trying to move, you learned to roll.

You started sitting up with no support, and playing with toys and trying to figure out everything. And you got to swim!

Then you learned to get on your hands and knees and rock and propel your self forward to get whatever interested you. And you got your first tooth!

And despite your brother sharing his pasta with you today, you are still exclusively breastfed! You are learning more every day and growing up so fast, you are no longer a newborn. You are opinionated and know what you want and you are working hard to get it too. Soon you will be pulling up and standing and cruising and talking. Happy 5 months Eloise!

Naps, I don’t need any stinking naps!

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

So I finally gave up on getting Desmond down for his nap last week. I refuse to fight him for 2 hours to get him down for a nap. He does get quiet time while Eloise naps, but I don’t sit with him till he goes to sleep, he is welcome to stay up till bedtime. The past three days however, he has decided to just fall asleep where he is.

“No Night! No Night, Mama!” (He calls any going upstairs for sleep, nap or bedtime, night)



Eloise sleeping on my lap:

Thursday (aka today):

On the plus side nap time is much easier these days, so I am amazed at what positions the child can fall and stay asleep in.

Look at me, I am so cute!

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Here are a couple of close up pictures of Eloise that I took when I took the previous pictures. She is just so cute and has the best expressions.

Miss Eloise “crawling”, lying around, and sitting

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Here are a couple of pictures from the other day of Eloise. The first two are of her “crawling” She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks and then pushes herself forward and does it again. Then there are two of her sitting, she is great at sitting now, except that her brother likes to push her down. When he isn’t around to help her out though, she can stay seated with no support for over 3 minutes. There is also a picture of her just lying around.

Desmond’s latest “toy”

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Is apparently the couch. He will not leave the cushions on it. He likes to pull off the cushions and use them for ramps and forts and what not, and then he likes to bounce on the sofa without the cushion there, apparently it bounces better without the cushions then with. You can see him in the videos below dancing with the cushion off, or at least not on.

Anyways here are two cute pictures of the messy child in his “fort” of cushions.

Desmond in the sink

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Yesterday Desmond went into the bathroom and closed the door. Not a huge deal he is big on closing doors recently. I then hear the water running, again not a huge deal, he can climb up to turn on the water. I don’t like him playing in the sink though, or even in the bathroom. So I finish what I am doing and open the bathroom door to this:

Oh Hi Mommy, I’m not doing anything….

Nothing at all…

What do you mean I shouldn’t be in the sink? Isn’t it there for my enjoyment and pleasure?

On the plus side at least he was only wearing a diaper, so I didn’t have to pull wet clothes off him.


Thursday, August 6th, 2009

I have decided to start watermarking the pictures I put up on the blog. I have gone back and marked all of July and August’s pictures, I may be ambitious and get earlier months eventually, or I might just do it from this point forward, which is probably more likely.

That being said, if you know where to look I have not watermarked the full sized photos. If anyone I know needs info about where the full sized photos are (Mom), just let me know.

Dancing to Ghost Busters

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Here are two videos of Desmond dancing to his favorite song, the theme song for Ghost Busters.

Eloise rolling over now in video

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Here are two videos of Eloise. She rolls in both of them! You can sor tof see her crawling in the second one as well at the beginning.

Desmond Spinning

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

We put away the co-sleeper we had been keeping in the living room for Eloise on Monday. I think this video may show why we decided it wasn’t safe for her anymore. Desmond enjoyed playing with it just a bit too much!