Archive for September, 2009

Sharing the shopping cart

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

A couple of weeks ago we were at Costco. Their shopping carts has space for 2 children, so we put both Eloise and Desmond in it. Here they are out in the parking lot. Desmond was very nice to his sister when she was next to him.


Eloise and the cup

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

We have started giving Eloise a cup to play with at dinner time. That was when we get around to putting something in it she might have an idea of what to do with it. Here are a few pictures of her playing with her cup.


A bit behind on pictures

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

I have a bunch of pictures to put up still, and I just uploaded more. I am going to post a bunch of them tonight and if Desmond naps in the house tomorrow I’ll try to get more up then. Since tomorrow is the first day of his rec class I have a feeling he will be napping in the car though. The class is a county class, but it is over 20 minutes from the house, we went out to figure out where it was tonight, which was a good idea, since google maps gave us the wrong directions at the end, we were still able to find it though.

Anyways pictures will be posted after this post and there are a ton of them!

Eloise’s 6 month stats

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Eloise had her 6 month appointment on Friday. She was 15 pounds 4 ounces and 25 1/2 inches tall. She is in the 45%tile for weight and 50%tile for height and 55%tile for head circumference. It is really weird since Desmond was so much bigger then her and it looks like the trend is holding strong. At her age Desmond was in 18 month sized clothes, she just moved up to 6-9 month clothes and they are still big on her! She is doing great though and growing well. She finally is bigger then Desmond was at 2 months. We’ll see if she beats his 4 month stats by 9 months!

At birth 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 3/4th inches
At 1 month 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20 3/4 inches
At 2 months 10 pounds 4 ounces and 22 1/2 inches
At 4 months 12 pounds 14.5 ounces and 24 inches
At 6 months 15 pounds 4 ounces and 25 1/2 inches

Just for comparison here are Desmond’s stats at 1, 2, 4 and 6 months, she is smaller then he was at 2 month.

At one months Desmond was 11 pounds and 23 inches
At two months Desmond was 14 pounds and 24 1/2 inches
At four months Desmond was 17 pounds 13 ounces and 26 1/2 inches
At six months Desmond was 19 pounds 13 ounces and 27 inches

First Foods

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

So yesterday Eloise turned 6 months old. Which means solids are now an option. My Mom was here and we went out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory. One of the nice features of Cheesecake Factory is their baby/toddler plate, they bring out a plate of bread and bananas for the young ones while you wait for your dinner. It keeps them entertained and happy. So we decided we would offer Eloise some banana, she was not impressed, she gave us a look that said, “What is this foul vile thing you are trying to give me to eat?”

So we gave her some bread crusts to chew on instead, she was very happy with them. We had also gotten their roasted artichoke appetizer, great appetizer for 3 since it comes with 3 halves of artichoke and it is yummy! So we gave her a piece. She was in love, she adored her artichoke she played with it, chewed it, sucked it and just had a great time with it. I am not sure she actually ate any artichoke, but she really liked the flavor and the leaf we gave her.

I did not however think to bring a camera to dinner, so I got a few pictures on my cell phone, but I am not sure how to transfer those anywhere. We re-staged the artichoke eating when we got home, by putting her in her high chair and giving her another piece, which she was thrilled with. We got a ton of pictures then as well.

She also really enjoyed her artichoke tonight while Dan and I were eating dinner, Desmond fell asleep before dinner, since he hadn’t had an afternoon nap.

Here is Eloise enjoying her artichoke.


So my children both have the same first word

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Hi! Yep Eloise has said hi a couple of times at the right point in time. Only a 2 months earlier then her brother, seriously child try to be a baby for at least a few more months! On the other hand if she is anything like her brother, she might be able to speak, but she won’t much for then next year and a half. Of course she might talk a lot unlike her brother.

Six Months Old!

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Today Eloise is 6 months old. It is weird how fast the time went, I remember bringing her home from the hospital. Wondering when she would roll, hoping she won’t move as fast as Desmond (false hope, she went mobile earlier then him), watching her sleep, watching her move, smile, laugh and cry.

We went to Kiddie Kandids and got her pictures done today, Desmond was actually cooperative, so I got a good one of the two of them together. Eloise wasn’t thrilled with the picture taking though, we got some cute pictures but she was not happy with us and it took a lot of work. Here she is at 6 months.

Eloise and Desmond, Desmond is wearing his I’m a big brother shirt to go along with Eloise’s little sister shirt.

I love this picture, she looks like she has just paused right before she is about to take off moving.


Milestone reached

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Eloise is very proficient at blowing raspberries!

Sometimes we don’t share

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

and sometimes we spin in circles. The first video here is from yesterday morning too. Desmond was going into the pantry where he has two cars stashed, I don’t ask why he’s 2 that is the best answer I’ve got, I asked him if he was going to give the car to Eloise to play with, so he went back to the pantry to put the toy away so she couldn’t have it. Such a caring brother *grin*.

The second video is from last night. Desmond decided to run and spin in circles for 30 minutes or so. It made me tired just watching it. I did tape him though since it was amusing to watch if a bit tiring.

Playing together

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Here are two videos from yesterday morning. The first one is the two of them playing together. In the second one, Desmond went into the bathroom to get a cloth to wipe off Eloise’s face. He is such a nice big brother!