Archive for the ‘General’ Category

The Basement Playroom

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

So we have been working on making the basement into a playroom for a couple of months now. We finally got it cleared out and set up and all ready for play. Here are some pictures from it. First off is the wall for toys and such.

Next to that is our chalk walls, the side of the toy storage and the back wall area are red, and the main wall are blue, we got the chalkboard paint at Joanne’s, Desmond loves the fact that he is allowed to write on the walls there, and we like the fact that we have one area we can send him to write on the walls. You can also see his new IKEA kitchen, which he is really loving. He uses the two door compartments in the storage unit as his refrigerator, we figure eventually we’ll get him a small 2 cube with doors, but at the moment his solution works.

There is also a small table and chair set for him to sit on and use, and Eloise as well, when she is big enough to sit on the chairs. I don’t have any pictures of it right now though, well I do, but they are going in a different post *grin* since they are more focused on Eloise and Desmond.

Couple of changes

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

I have noticed that I am not really posting much more then a short paragraph and tons and tons of photographs. So I’ve decided to change around my blog a bit. I am still going to be posting the tons of photos, but all but one or two will be hidden from view, so you’ll have to click on the “read the rest of this entry” link. I figure it will clean up the front of my blog a bit. Also I can then highlight one or two pictures I really like from each set, but those who want to see all the pictures can still see them, and those that are happy with one or two don’t get overwhelmed with the thousands that I tend to post.

I am also going to try to make longer posts, but no promises on that, since Desmond is only napping about 50% of the time right now, which means I don’t get a ton of downtime.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments in my comment section.


Thursday, August 6th, 2009

I have decided to start watermarking the pictures I put up on the blog. I have gone back and marked all of July and August’s pictures, I may be ambitious and get earlier months eventually, or I might just do it from this point forward, which is probably more likely.

That being said, if you know where to look I have not watermarked the full sized photos. If anyone I know needs info about where the full sized photos are (Mom), just let me know.

A New Look

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

I decided to update the look of the blog, since I last redid it in February, so it seemed like a good time to update it again. Enjoy the new look!

Tons of new pictures and posts coming soon!

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

I have a bunch of pictures to put up stretching from Father’s Day to yesterday. I also have a bunch of posts to make. We’ve been busy, went to a wedding on the 5th and then down to Atlanta for the week. We had a lot of fun at both. I’ve declared Desmond unpotty trained, he stopped showing any interest in going, so he is back in diapers for the moment. It is too bad since he was basically fully trained before he decided he was no longer interested.

Eloise is 4 months old and can sit, sort of for about a minute or two, it is more of a tripod sit, with her hands supporting her, then a full sit, but it is still cute. Desmond is talking a ton, he just decided he was ready to talk while we were in Atlanta so he started too. He still doesn’t always talk, but he says a lot more now then he was 2 weeks ago. Best line from him recently was at the lake house my Mom was making him eggs with cheese, and he looked at the eggs and said, “Not enough cheese!”.

Anyways here are a couple of teaser pictures, I have a ton to post, I’ll try to get some up this evening/tomorrow.

Ants Ants Everywhere!

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

All I have to say is ants, ick.

Okay I have more to say, we get ants every year with warm weather, and they are back. Dan read that you can get rid of them with baby powder, and since we have two short ones it seems like a better plan then poison. It seemed to work too! Our nice train of ants going up to our kitchen is gone and the ants have been squished that we found. Hopefully they stay away!

Blog Theme Updated

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Just in case it isn’t obvious, I updated the look of the blog for spring. I’ll likely update the header once bean arrives as well, but for now, I was feeling springlike, even if we did have snow showers this morning, so I changed the look.

Updated the blog look

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

I decided that I needed a new Desmond picture in my header, so since I was updating that anyways, I decided to go ahead and redo my whole theme. So the blog has been updated with a slightly more wintery feel. I’ll probably update again once bean arrives.

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Monday, January 19th, 2009

It’s snowing! The predictions are for probably under an inch, but still it is real snow! We had a light flurry earlier in December, but this is real snow, hopefully it is still snowing after nap time since I’m planning to take Desmond out in it to play or at least get some pictures of him in it.

Happy 2009!

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Happy New Years all, may everyone have a wonderful 2009!