Archive for January, 2009

The chocolate war!

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

And the 5th of January was a very bloody day in the chocolate war of Desmond vs the peanut butter M&Ms, many M&Ms were slaughtered and damage was done to the child, but the child prevailed and the damage came off in the bath!








The battle was won and Desmond was victorious, but more battles were yet to come in the bloody war of the toddler vs chocolate!

Random Updates and such

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

I had my 30 week appointment with the midwife today, everything is looking good, beans heartbeat is 155ish and she is head down already. This could change, but it is nice to know. I go back again in 3 weeks, I had my choice of 2 or 3 weeks, but since 2 weeks is inauguration I decided to make it 3 weeks since they were mostly booked that day. Plus all they are going to do is weight, blood pressure, measure fudal height and check heartbeat which takes 5 minutes or so, so I’m not to worried about going back in 3 weeks rather then 2.

In Desmond stuff, he still loves the pool, we are getting our money out of the fitness club membership just from taking him there, we have gone about 4 times a week since we joined, he loves it, and is getting really good at kicking, now we just need to work on floating and he may be swimming on his own some by summer. He’s a little fish.

Dan and I are slowly working on getting the house ready for bean, we’ve decided to stop sending him to my in-laws on Friday for awhile so we can use them to watch him on Saturday or Sunday if we need them to so we can clean, since it is hard to move things and get to the attic with Desmond around “helping”.

Here s a cute picture of Desmond tonight eating dinner, and drinking from his cup. We’ve started giving him a regular cup at dinner, he is pretty good at it, though he does like to dunk his food into the cup. So tonight he ate some yummy milk dipped shrimp!

Christmas Pictures

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

Here are the Christmas Pictures, you can see my in-law’s tree in the background of a few of these. And yes they are just of Desmond opening his presents, I didn’t take that many pictures this year. He does love opening gifts though.

Hanukkah Pictures

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

Okay here are the pictures of Desmond opening his Hanukkah present.  This is his Wheely Bee Bug which was his big present this year other then his camera.  Anyways here he is opening his gift.  He enjoys openning his gifts more then playing with them it seems.

Cleaning up the Nursery

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

So this weekend we’re working on clearing out the nursery, and doing some toddler proofing.   We figure we won’t actually need the nursery, we never did with Desmond, but we figured it would be nice to have it ready if we do end up using it.  Since Friday is the day my in-laws watch after Desmond for me, which is really nice, I decided to start early.   So I emptied out the dresser of all of Desmond’s clothes from this summer and grabbed the ones in his closet as well.

I then went and boxed them all up for the attic, and can I say the boy has a lot of clothes!   All the summer 24 month and 2T clothes are now boxed though as are last years winter 18 month clothes.  I just need to figure out if there is a box with room in the attic for the couple of summer 18 month stuff I have or if I need to make a new box for it.

All the newborn and 0-3 month clothes are also now in the dresser.  I noticed that most of the newborn clothes are fairly boyish and most of the 0-3 stuff is fairly gender neutral, and then I remembered why.  We bought almost all 0-3 stuff before we knew if Desmond was a boy or a girl and we actually bought most of the newborn stuff after he was born and we found he fit in it better then the 0-3 stuff at least for the first 2 weeks or so.  I’ll have to take it all out and wash it before baby gets here, but for now at least it is put away and ready for her.   I also noted I have 1 dress for her in newborn size and 1 in 0-3 size, but I figure I’ll end up with a few more as gifts and if not I’m sure she’ll end up with a ton in 3-6 month and up clothes, since it is a  girl and I can’t see my Mom resisting buying her the cute little baby dresses *grin*, I can’t see me resisting it either.

Newborn Fluff (ie newborn diapers)

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

We use cloth diapers with Desmond and plan to do the same with bean when she arrives.  So in the beginning of November I went through the newborn/small sized diapers we had from Desmond to see what we had and what we needed.  We didn’t start using cloth with Desmond till he was around 3 weeks old and he grew so fast he was out of newborn/small diapers fairly fast.  So we had some, but we were a bit lacking in the smaller sizes.

So Dan and I agreed that we probably needed about a dozen more diapers to have enough newborn/small diapers.  We figured we’d get the same person who has done all of Desmond’s current daytime diapers to make them up for us.  Tammy at Tinkle Trap, who rocks fyi.   A couple of days before Christmas the 21st I e-mailed her to get a slot.  I figured she would get to them sometime mid-January or so.  She e-mailed me right back and apparently started working on them immediately.  So she finished them on the 27th and shipped them out on the 29th.   We weren’t expecting quite that fast of service, but it was great.  Anyways the arrived last night.  They are so tiny.

Desmond was playing with them trying to figure out what they were for, since they definately are not diapers for him!  It was fun watching him take them out of the box try to figure out what to do with them and then discarding them as defective because they didn’t work right.

Anyways I figured I’d post a comparision between the newborn diapers and Desmond’s current diapers.   They are just so small and cute!

Diapers on Top of each other

Diapers on Top of each other

side by side comparision

side by side comparision

The three diapers open on top of each other to see the size difference.

The three diapers open on top of each other to see the size difference.

Side by Side look with them open

Side by Side look with them open

Comparision between the India diaper and the newborn diaper

Comparision between the India diaper and the newborn diaper

The 4 styles of the new diapers

The 4 styles of the new diapers

Happy 2009!

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Happy New Years all, may everyone have a wonderful 2009!

Ju Uh MMM Ph (ump!), Desmond brag!

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

So one of Desmond’s favorite things to do is to make me get on for him and go through the letters, we do it a couple of times a week normally.  So earlier this week I was doing the letter J, which he can’t realy pronounce by the way, and at the end of the letter J is a little activity where you put 4 letters together to get jump.

So I got to that page and Desmond looked at it, at the bottom it says J U M P and you put the letters in to spell the word, and say Ju Uh Mmm Ph, Ump!  and then tried to jump.  I wasn’t really expecting him to decode and make word quite yet, eek!  I mean I know he knows all his letters, even if he can’t pronounce them, but I wasn’t expecting the reading and decoding piece to put the letters together to make a word.

We’ve started doing both letters and the learn to read section on though for him and he seems quite pleased to be seeing letters combined to make words.  Now if only he could get his mouth to make a few more sounds so he could speak a bit clearer.