Archive for March, 2009

Still no baby!

Friday, March 13th, 2009

I’m sort of hoping for tomorrow since it is Pi day and Einstein’s birthday, so I think 3/14 would make a good birthday. Now just need to wait and see if she agrees.

I’ve been having a bunch of crampy contractions all day today, nothing bad enough to worry about yet, but enough to make me wonder, but then again I’ve had them before, so I’m not wondering that much. I’m hoping she arrives soon though!

Blog Theme Updated

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Just in case it isn’t obvious, I updated the look of the blog for spring. I’ll likely update the header once bean arrives as well, but for now, I was feeling springlike, even if we did have snow showers this morning, so I changed the look.

Midwife appointment yesterday/bean update

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Had my appointment yesterday everything still looks good she is still head down. She just needs to decide she wants out now. Anytime now, today would be good, tomorrow would be fine, Friday would work too, anytime she wants to come out I am ready. Really I am!

No real updates though, still contracting some, she just needs to get into position and she should be ready to come out as soon as she does.

In the Swing

Monday, March 9th, 2009

So we set up the living room for bean yesterday. We put the co-sleeper in one area and the swing in another area. Which meant today when Desmond came down he had all sorts of new/old things to play with. Anyways I was checking something on the computer and turned to see…




Someone apparently really likes the swing, he’s been up and down swinging on it all morning. The weight limit is 25 pounds, and he is right around 28, so I haven’t worried too much about it yet, since it has kept him happy and quiet, now as long as he doesn’t try to climb in once bean is here and in the swing!

Taco Night!

Monday, March 9th, 2009

So when Dan does Tacos Desmond tends to steal his cheese and sometimes eat his taco too. Anyways we did Tacos for dinner Saturday night I believe. Desmond moved to his favorite spot, sitting on the table looking at Dan and stole one of his Tacos to eat, since obviously Desmond’s Tacos weren’t as good as Daddy’s.






Update on bean

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Or no news, is no news. I am still having contractions, semi painful ones, but nothing is overly happening otherwise. I am hoping she will be arriving soon, by Monday or so, but I’m not holding my breath either, it maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday or maybe the 20th of March, I just can’t tell at the moment. I am hoping it is sooner rather then later the semi painful contractions for hours on end get annoying rather fast.

On the swings

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Desmond loves the swings and other then his tumble today he has never had a problem with the big kid swings rather then the baby swings. He has great balance, he’s been using them since he was 16ish months old.














Going to the Playground

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

So today is a gorgeous day, so we decided to take Desmond to the playground, along apparently with everyone else in town. There were over 40 kids there. We walked over, Desmond brought his caterpillar with him, since caterpillar needed a walk too. He wasn’t willing to climb the play structures without caterpillar, but he was willing to swing, so we swung a bunch. At one point in time, he did tumble in a somersault off the swing, because his balance was off and Dan pushed him a little too high. He was fine though and after getting the dirt off him he wanted right back on. We let him swing till it was obvious he was ready for a nap and then we came home. He had fun and we’ll probably take him back out later and maybe tomorrow too.

Anyways here are the pictures of him walking to the playground and on the play structure reaching for his caterpillar, the swing pictures will be in another post.







RIP Grandma

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

So my Grandmother died yesterday morning. It was kind of sudden and unexpected. I mean she was on hospice so we knew she didn’t have long, but she had been taken off hospice before, so we did think she had a bit longer. It is probably for the best as well since she had late stage Alzheimer’s, and was bed bound and on oxygen. It wasn’t like she was there anymore anyways. It is still hard though, especially after just losing my Grandfather on the other side almost exactly a month ago. This is also the second funeral I won’t make because of the pregnancy. There is no way I could fly down to Atlanta at 38 and a half weeks pregnant for the funeral this afternoon.

It is really sad that Desmond will never really get to know my Grandmother, even though she really wasn’t there any more even before he was born. Bean’s name will also be changed to honor her, which we always knew was a possibility, it was just entirely unexpected this late in the pregnancy.

Anyways rest in peace Grandma and I know you are in a much better place now, where you actually know who you are and who all the people around you are as well.

Here is the only picture I have of Desmond with my Grandmother, it is from when he was around 8 weeks old.


Snap Crackle Pop…

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

…is not the sound you want to hear coming from your computer. Specifically the computer that you just replaced the power supply on because it was dying. I am really hoping nothing but the new power supply fried :/.