Archive for June, 2011

Lots of pictures coming

Monday, June 13th, 2011

So this afternoon after lunch we went outside for awhile. It was gorgeous out at 75 degrees and the two bigger ones had a lot of fun running around. They chased butterflies, played ring around the rosy, played catch, played tag, ran around like wild children, and generally had a good time. Sully had a nice time too and enjoyed laying on the grass, he turned himself in a full circle in the hour we were there and pulled up some grass while he was lying around. Everyone had fun and I got over 500 pictures, oh which I’ll be sharing a select few in the next few days. Here are a couple of preview shots.

Ring around the rosy

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Ring around the rosy

Pocket full of posies

Ashes, ashes

We all fall down!

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

A bunch of faces:

I couldn’t chose just one.

Riding Bikes

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Desmond really wanted a bike with pedals rather then his balance bike, and has been asking for one since before his birthday. We went ahead and got him one mid-May. Let me say finding a gender neutral, kids bike for a reasonable price was more or less impossible. So he got a Matar (from Cars) bike, and if Eloise wants something different we’ll get her something different when she is tall enough to ride that size bike. We had a bit of trouble putting it together, the place for the front wheel to go in was about half an inch to small, and we could not get it in no matter how we tried. So we took it back to Toy’s R Us and had them put it together for us instead. It was only $10 so totally worth the cost, next we know to just let them assemble it to begin with.

Anyways Desmond loves his bike, he still has a bit of trouble pedaling it, since if you go backwards it brakes, but he is getting there. Eloise likes her bike, but she really wants one with pedals as well. We are going to wait on that though she can use the balance bike for now, since even that is a little big for her. Though Dan did comment she loves to sit on Desmond’s bike and be pushed. Unfortunately since we rarely used the balance bike with Desmond, he is using training wheels on his new bike, at least until he figures out how to pedal, then we might take them off again.

Here are the two olders riding their bikes, a few days ago in the 90 degree weather.

Sesame Place

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

On Monday we went to Sesame Place. Eloise went on some rides this time including the two water slides she is big enough for. Sully had fun in the wave pool, and Desmond loved the roller coaster and the water slides. Everyone had a great time, and it was a nice day trip, though I think we prefer overnights when possible, the 5 hours driving in one day even split up is a bit much to do too often. It was remarkably uncrowded and in the 4 hours we were there we did 13 attractions 16 if you count the 3 times that Dan and I split up. I got a few pictures, it is tough getting pictures at a water park or of Desmond on the roller coaster, and I didn’t even try for pictures when it was just me and Sully or me, Sully and Eloise alone in the water, so most of the Sully pictures have him in the stroller. Anyways here are a few pictures from our trip.


At the in-laws

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

So on Sunday we went to my in-laws. Nothing really new there, we go most Sundays. It was the annual Memorial Day cookout though which is always nice. As I mentioned in an early post, one of Dan’s friends and his wife came, so we spent the time hanging out with them, which is always a good time. It was also very very very very hot out, not as hot as Monday, but hot, so the little wading pool was out for Eloise, Desmond and Sully to splash in. Eloise and Desmond got a lot of use out of it, Sully went in for a bit, we didn’t have a swim suit or swim diaper for him, so we used a cloth diaper instead, it worked out. Anyways here are the small ones having fun in the sun.

Strawberry Comparisons

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Here are some pictures through the years of the two older ones strawberry picking, you can see how much they have grown.







Strawberry Picking

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

So we went strawberry picking on Sunday, for the first time this season. The berries were plentiful and we picked 15 pounds of strawberries which I expect will be all eaten by the end of the week. Everyone had a lot of fun, and Sully didn’t mind being on Mommy’s back. Eloise decided to wear her strawberry fairy tutu to go strawberry picking so we have a little strawberry fairy with us at the strawberry patch! Anyways here are some pictures Dan and I took while there, I took most of them, except the one of me.

Sully’s 2 month stats

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Sully had his 2 month appointment today, everything is looking good. We did get reflux medicine for him, because though the no milk thing is helping, it isn’t completely getting rid of his issues, so we figured we would try the medicine. He is growing well, he is 13 pounds which is 75th percentile and 24 inches which is 85th percentile, his head is in the 95th+ percentile. It was the quickest pediatricians appointment we have ever had we were in and out within 40 minutes, it was rather nice. He is growing well though and hopefully the reflux medicine with help him.

Here are his stats:
At birth he was 9 pounds 4 ounces and 22 inches
At one month he was 11 pounds 3 ounces and 23 inches
At 2 months he was 13 pounds and 24 inches

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Building again!