Archive for May, 2010

Easter Morning with Desmond

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

So Easter morning Desmond woke up to a big Easter Basket. Eloise had one too, but she was asleep and didn’t wake up until we were getting ready to leave for my Aunt’s house. He loved his basket and ate his chocolate bunny quickly, after playing with it for awhile.

Look Mom candy!

Look at all this cool stuff! I got an Easter Rabbit Mr. Potato Head, that is kind of cool and candy!

I think I will start by nibbling the ears!

Hmm how will he get across the water without getting wet?

Oh well I guess he fell in!

Yum in my tum! as Desmond likes to say.

Dying Easter Eggs

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

The night before Easter we let Desmond dye Easter Eggs. He had a ton of fun with this, but liked to drop the eggs from a height into the containers, which led to cracked eggs. So we didn’t actually get to eat any of the hard boiled eggs, which wasn’t a huge deal. He loved this activity though and I bought a couple more dye sets when they were on sale after Easter so we can do it again.

Birthday at Easter at Aunt Mary’s

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Here are the pictures of Desmond and Eloise, though mainly Desmond celebrating their birthdays at Easter.

First Desmond’s cake. There were two little girls about his age next to him and one of them blew out the candles before he got to. It was cute. It then took all three of them to blow out the newly relit candles.

Here is Eloise with her vegan cupcake, there is a giraffe on the top of it. Desmond had toodles (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) on his cupcakes, but there was so much food there including the huge cake that he didn’t eat any of his cupcakes till the next day at home.

Desmond opening his presents

And Eloise opening hers. She loves that bunny rabbit it is her car toy and she hugs it and plays with it whenever we get in the car.

Easter at Aunt Mary’s

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

So we celebrated Desmond and Eloise’s birthdays on Easter. It was about 3 weeks late for Eloise’s birthday and 1 day early for Desmond’s birthday. Since my parents were out of the country for Eloise’s birthday it made a good day to do it. We celebrated at my Aunt Mary’s house, where we also celebrated Desmond’s first birthday. The birthday part was just a small part of the day, since a lot of my Aunt’s relatives from the other side were there too. Desmond and Eloise both had fun and got to play with Nonnie, Pom, MomMom, Dahdi, Dahda, Uncle Noah, Aunt Clare, plus my Aunt and cousins and various other people that were there. It was a good day and we all had fun.

Here is Desmond giving MomMom a hug.

Here is Eloise playing with Easter Eggs that Desmond found.

Here is Desmond Easter Egg hunting. The candy got thrown away that evening because he poured a glass of water in the bucket if I remember correctly. And yes my child went Easter Egg hunting with a Halloween Bucket.

He would open the eggs and then dump the candy from them in his basket and then dump the eggs on the ground because they weren’t useful anymore, with no candy in them.

Here is Eloise with Nonnie

And here she is with Pom

Here is Desmond giving Eloise a hug

and a kiss

And one last Eloise picture

Des’ sandbox

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

One of Desmond’s birthday presents was a my little sandbox. He got the one in the link. He loves it and it is a great toy. It lets him play in the sand at home, with less chance of a mess and he can play around with it without me worry too much about it. The first day he got it he played with it for an hour straight, took a 10 minute break and played with it for another hour. It is great. I plan on getting him a second one for Hanukkah. He really likes playing with it and running the two toy trucks through the sand.

I did put it in a plastic 12×12 box and then put the playmat underneath it to help keep the sand contained. So far we have had little sand loss, except when he grabbed a handful and went to the middle of the living room to release it. Actual playing with it though, has resulted in little loss of sand.

Eloise showing off her fashionable side

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

I really don’t think anything else needs to be said, she is a little diva, even in hairbows, a diaper and one baby leg.

Playground Pictures part 20039474

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

Here are a bunch of pictures of the two of them at the playground from April. They are not all from the same visit, but they both love the playground.

holding hands

hanging around

sitting on the bench

Desmond can now climb the rock wall at the playground by himself, which is really quite impressive.

I also have some playground videos to put up, but I’ll get to that later, I’m just trying to get semi caught up with pictures at the moment.

Busy Busy Busy

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

We’ve been busy over here. 2 weekends ago Eloise and I went down to Georgia for my sister Nancy’s Law School graduation. Congrats again Nancy. We both had fun and it was nice spending time with just Eloise. She is a little character and a lot different from her brother, but since he is bigger and louder she tends to get a bit overlooked at home, poor girl. She is a shoe diva though and got Nonnie to buy her 3 new pair of shoes, including some sparkly pink ones.

Desmond also started swimming lessons a few weeks ago. It was kind of a shock to us, we had signed him up, but then never heard anything about them so we assumed the form was lost. He is having a blast and is getting more comfortable floating on his back. He loves swimming on his tummy and putting his face in and out of the water as he goes forward. He is doing great in the class, his first one without a parent right there with him. I have no pictures of him swimming because our pool doesn’t allow pictures. I’ll have some swimming pictures soon enough though since we are going down to Georgia in under 2 weeks now and will swim a bunch when there I am sure.

Desmond is also taking soccer lessons. So far he’s had 2, well 3, since they didn’t cancel yesterdays even with the rain. He has also had 2 canceled classes because of the rain. He likes it, but the class is a bit too long for him. Hopefully it won’t be raining next week so we can go and he can run around and kick the ball. I do have some pictures from his first class which I will post in a bit.

The summer is looking to be even busier then the spring is. Desmond has camp 4 weeks this summer to prepare him for preschool in the fall. My brother is getting married in Georgia in August, so we’ll be heading down for that obviously. Desmond is going to be the ring bearer and he will be very cute I am sure. We’re also heading to Georgia for a week and a half or so, in two Saturdays for Desmond and two Sundays for me and Eloise. We may go back to Georgia once more before the wedding as well, depends on how my parents and our schedules line up.

I have a bunch of pictures to still get up, plus more from recently to post. So I’ll try to post some in a few minutes and edit the new ones soon.