Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Blah Blah Blah, I need to post more.

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

So I know I haven’t posted in awhile. I just haven’t been in the mood. We’ve had a very busy summer so far and it isn’t over yet. This weekend and next weekend we aren’t out of town, but the next two weekends we are gone again, one week for my brother’s wedding, and the next back to Sesame Place. Desmond has also had camp 4 weeks so far, and he has his 5th and last week this coming week. It has just been busy here.

I am going to try to post more since I have a bunch of pictures from June to post and possibly even a few from July and August, though I haven’t taken a ton of pictures in July. I will be taking a bunch when we are down for my brother’s wedding though I am sure.

Anyways, yes I am still alive, I have just been busy and not really in the mood to sit down and post recently. I will try to post a few times at least this month though no promises since it is a busy month as well. It will be nice when fall hits and things slow down, hahaha! Well at least weekends away will slow down, the whole preschool thing is going to be new and exciting though!

Busy Busy Busy

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

We’ve been busy over here. 2 weekends ago Eloise and I went down to Georgia for my sister Nancy’s Law School graduation. Congrats again Nancy. We both had fun and it was nice spending time with just Eloise. She is a little character and a lot different from her brother, but since he is bigger and louder she tends to get a bit overlooked at home, poor girl. She is a shoe diva though and got Nonnie to buy her 3 new pair of shoes, including some sparkly pink ones.

Desmond also started swimming lessons a few weeks ago. It was kind of a shock to us, we had signed him up, but then never heard anything about them so we assumed the form was lost. He is having a blast and is getting more comfortable floating on his back. He loves swimming on his tummy and putting his face in and out of the water as he goes forward. He is doing great in the class, his first one without a parent right there with him. I have no pictures of him swimming because our pool doesn’t allow pictures. I’ll have some swimming pictures soon enough though since we are going down to Georgia in under 2 weeks now and will swim a bunch when there I am sure.

Desmond is also taking soccer lessons. So far he’s had 2, well 3, since they didn’t cancel yesterdays even with the rain. He has also had 2 canceled classes because of the rain. He likes it, but the class is a bit too long for him. Hopefully it won’t be raining next week so we can go and he can run around and kick the ball. I do have some pictures from his first class which I will post in a bit.

The summer is looking to be even busier then the spring is. Desmond has camp 4 weeks this summer to prepare him for preschool in the fall. My brother is getting married in Georgia in August, so we’ll be heading down for that obviously. Desmond is going to be the ring bearer and he will be very cute I am sure. We’re also heading to Georgia for a week and a half or so, in two Saturdays for Desmond and two Sundays for me and Eloise. We may go back to Georgia once more before the wedding as well, depends on how my parents and our schedules line up.

I have a bunch of pictures to still get up, plus more from recently to post. So I’ll try to post some in a few minutes and edit the new ones soon.

So many pictures

Monday, April 26th, 2010

So I have a ton of pictures that I haven’t posted recently. A lot. Which means I need to post some, but they have been overwhelming me a bit because I have so many to post. I think I am going to skip the last of the February pictures I have to post, because it is almost May now. I will post some of the March pictures I still need to post though and the April ones. Be prepared for a lot of pictures. There may not be a ton of dialogue with them since I am not always certain on the exact date things happened at this point in time, since it has been awhile for some of these pictures.

Anyways here are a couple of pictures to keep everyone happy while I work on posts for the rest of them.

Desmond on this new bike

Desmond and Eloise at the playground

Eloise all worn out

I have pictures

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I installed my photo editing software this weekend and finished editing a bunch of random pictures earlier today, so I’ll be posting various pictures from the past couple of weeks tonight and tomorrow. I have some more photos to edit from my other camera, but I figure these will make my Mom happy, since look pictures!

Kiddie Kandids is closed

Monday, January 11th, 2010

We have used them for pictures since Desmond was born. We really liked them, there was a time period when we were less then thrilled with their service so we tried Picture People instead, and were not impressed at all by them so we went back to Kiddie Kandids and were quite happy.

I am upset, I don’t want to find a new studio to do pictures, I liked my studio. Plus I have a couple of items that I haven’t received from the last photo shoot we just did. Fortuantely they are not items I overly care about, since I doubt I will receive them now, but still.

I am so glad I got cds of all the pictures though, since everything is gone including their website with all my previous studio appointment pictures included. I also feel bad for all their employees who got no notice at all of them closing and who won’t get their paychecks from the past 2 weeks they have worked.

The news article is here.

A picture review of 2009

Monday, January 4th, 2010













It was remarkably hard to find just one picture to sum up each month.

Great service from Amazon

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

So we ordered a lot of holiday presents off of Amazon, it is easy, I have prime so 2 day shipping is free and it tends to be cheaper then going to the store a lot of the time. Anyways we ordered a package on Friday. It has a couple of gifts for tomorrow in it.

It didn’t arrive on Monday, which wasn’t unexpected considering the snow, then it didn’t arrive on Tuesday, which was a bit more surprising. When it hadn’t arrived on Wednesday though I went ahead and checked the order online to see where it was. It said it had been delivered on Monday. We did not get a package on Monday. So Dan called up Amazon and talked to one of their people on the phone. He gave them the information, they said okay and immediately resent out our order 1 day shipping so it would arrive by today, with no questions and no fees.

It was a quick and painless call and the package arrived as promised today. I have to say I was extremely impressed with Amazon’s customer service, they were great about getting the package to us, even if their system says we already received the package that never arrived. That is great customer service!

Updates no pictures in this post, Eloise standing

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Since Desmond has given up his nap I really haven’t had much time to edit photos, so I still don’t have the Thanksgiving and other pictures ready for posting. I mean I do have evenings free, since with no naps he is in bed by 8/8:30 most nights, but I tend to not get to them then because I’m talking to Dan and doing other things. So I still have a bunch of pictures from Thanksgiving and such to post. I will try to get them up in the next few days or so.

I still haven’t been able to get a picture of Eloise standing without support, she is great at it, but as soon as I grab the camera she sits down or reaches for support. I am hoping to get a picture sooner or later though. She is really cute standing all alone, she’s going to start walking any time now, especially since she can bounce up and down when standing without support.

All the no pictures comments being made, I did upload and edit a bunch of pictures from today and our giant snowstorm, and trimming our tree. I’ll post about those in the next post.

A bit behind on pictures

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

I have a bunch of pictures to put up still, and I just uploaded more. I am going to post a bunch of them tonight and if Desmond naps in the house tomorrow I’ll try to get more up then. Since tomorrow is the first day of his rec class I have a feeling he will be napping in the car though. The class is a county class, but it is over 20 minutes from the house, we went out to figure out where it was tonight, which was a good idea, since google maps gave us the wrong directions at the end, we were still able to find it though.

Anyways pictures will be posted after this post and there are a ton of them!

Manual Exposure

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

So I was playing around with the camera trying things out so I don’t always use the point and click mode. I was working a bit with aperture and took a bunch of different pictures, that didn’t turn out so great because of how dark it was in the house. I did get a few decent ones of Eloise though so here they are. You can actually see her smiling in some of these, which I so rarely can catch on camera.
