Archive for December, 2008

One! Two!

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

So Dan is getting Desmond a snack and he’s complaining because it isn’t instantaneous. So Dan says, “Give me a second Des.” To which Desmond responds with “one. two.” and walks off.

I can play Rockband too!

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

We have Rockband and Desmond loves playing with the guitar for it. So my Mom got him his own little guitar for Hanukkah which he really likes as well. Dan’s big present this year is also Rockband 2 with all the instruments and Desmond loves the drums. So he plays them as much as he can. He really loves hitting the pad with his drum sticks, we need to pick up a child’s size drum sticks too. I think I’m going to need to find him music lessons sooner rather then later, he really loves playing with music, and playing the piano whenever he can find one, and he’s actually fairly good for a toddler just hitting random notes. Anyways here are a bunch of pictures of Desmond playing the various Rockband instruments and his guitar.

Pictures with Poppop and Mommom

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

On Saturday the 13th my parents were in town and we went down to Richmond with them and Noah to see my Grandparents. We took a couple of pictures of Desmond with both my Grandfather and Grandmother. The pictures with my Grandfather came out decently, Desmond won’t stay still for any of the pictures with my Grandmother though. I give you Desmond and my Grandparents.

My favorite picture of the set, Desmond is trying to steal Mommom’s glasses!

Desmond in the Lazy Susan!

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

We have two Lazy Susan’s in our kitchen to put away things on. Desmond has however claimed one of them for himself, he seems to think it makes a very nice fort.

lazy susan



I passed!

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Okay so I’ve been putting off getting the three hour blood glucose test for awhile now (like 2+ months). I finally did it yesterday before my appointment today, and I passed! I passed! I passed! So I don’t have GD this pregnancy, yay!

Speaking of Sleeping, bean update.

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Bean apparently decided around 2am this morning that she wanted to and punch me a lot. In fact so much that she hasn’t stopped yet 12 hours later. She is being very active today. Normally I feel here a couple of times a day, today there have only been a couple of times I haven’t felt her.

In other news we’ve come up with our name for her. Which I’m not sharing on my blog. While we were in Atlanta she did pick up a nickname, well two, Gigi from most of my family and Esmeralda from my Grandfather. The nicknames have absolutely no relation to what we hope her name will be. In fact the name we have chosen starts with neither G or E, though we do have a G and E name chosen just in case we need them.

Sleep, he what last night?

Monday, December 8th, 2008

So yesterday Desmond did not want to take his nap. Which is a bit of a pain since he still really needs it, and when he doesn’t take it he normally falls asleep sometime between 5 and 6 and is up again at 8 or so till midnight. He won’t go down though, so around 6pm, after dinner he was sitting in Dan’s lap and was out. We figured it was going to be a long night, but we went ahead and put him in a night diaper and longies and up to bed. We figured he’d come back down by 8pm or so.

8pm comes and passes no Desmond, huh, okay maybe he did go down for the night, but since he went so early he’ll probably be up by 4am at the latest. So Dan and I head to bed around 10pm. Dan goes to sleep with Desmond, since he tends to sleep longer if he is sleeping with someone. At 6:30am Dan’s alarm goes off, Desmond is still asleep. Umm wow, Dan gets ready for work and leaves around 7:20 like always. About 7:45 Desmond comes into our bedroom and gets in bed to snuggle with me, he is wide awake. So we get up. That was almost 14 hours of sleep, he must have really been tired.

Dan and I are still both shocked and figure it is unlikely to happen again, but we’ll take what sleep we can get from shortie.


Saturday, December 6th, 2008

So it snowed today. We were out doing some shopping for general groceries and such and when we got back to the car we saw it had started very lightly. We headed home since Desmond wanted to run around anyways. We then dressed him in his snowsuit (yay it has now been used twice, I’ll get my money’s worth yet!) and boots and took him and K-line out to walk in the falling snow. You can tell that it was falling, I’d say we got about half an inch or so. Now to see if it is still here in the morning, and take more pictures of Desmond in it if it is!

come on puppy

















At the Aquarium

Friday, December 5th, 2008

Before we left for home Desmond and I went to the Atlanta Aquarium for about 2 hours. We looked at all the fishies and he liked running around and playing in their play structure for the children and seeing all the fish.

We also walked outside and down to where there was a Santa Claus set up. They were doing free pictures, Desmond however stopped, looked at the Santa, shook him head no and turned and head back the way we came, so we didn’t get his picture with Santa. Oh well, he did quite enjoy the fishies, at least. Unfortunately I had the small camera, so I didn’t get many good pictures of him with the fish, but here are a couple.

Look Fishies!

Look Fishies!

Watching the Fish

Watching the Fish

Thanksgiving and such

Friday, December 5th, 2008

We had a decent Thanksgiving, there were some ups and some downs. The start of the week through Thanksgiving was good for everyone and we all had a good Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately my parents dog had to be put to sleep on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which was a definite downer. She had cancer and they knew it was coming, unfortunately it came when everyone was there finishing up Friday night’s dinner. Not fun all around. Desmond really liked their dog at our last visit in August, she would run after him and chase him and he couldn’t understand why she wasn’t able to this time. It was not a fun night for anyone. Everyone will miss Baxter, she wasn’t that old either which was the really sad part. Poor doggie.

The rest of our visit after Saturday was fine as well, just a bit depressing because of the poor dog. Desmond did enjoy himself though and I did get a bunch of pictures of him. Here are a few of them.

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing with the play kitchen

Playing before Thanksgiving dinner with Ruthie

Playing before Thanksgiving dinner with Ruthie

With Grandpa

With Grandpa

Eating Thanksgiving Dinner

Eating Thanksgiving Dinner

Giving Great Grandpa Kisses

Giving Great Grandpa Kisses

Great Grandpa Kisses!

Great Grandpa Kisses!